Русская версия- Full name
- Kingdom of Norway
- Region
- North-eastern part of Europe
- Capital
- Oslo
- Area, km 2
- 60 in the world 386 000
- Population, ppl.
- 114 in the world 4 902 000projection
- Population growth, per year
- 148 in the world0,34%16 667 ppl.
- Average life
expectancy, years - 79,9 (m. 76,5, fem. 83,3)13 in the world
(17 - m., 12 - fem.) - Population density, ppl./km2
- 171 in the world 12,7
- Official language
- Norwegian
- Currency
- Norwegian krone
- International phone code
- 47
- Zone in Internet
- .no
- Time zone
- what is the time? UTC+1
- International organizations include Norway
- NATO (from 1949 )
- Share land borders
- Russia, Finland, Sweden
- Access to the seas and oceans
- North, Barents, Norwegian seas